The Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage 

Dr. Debi Smith, PsyD

Effective Marriage Education

A Wise Woman's Guide. Start here. Win here. Because your success matters!


I think about love and marriage quite differently than most Psychologists do. How so?

Well, most relationship coaches, counselors, and therapists totally ignore the reality that men and women are different. 

At best, most offer Standard Fare Help (SFH). As in the emotional equivalent of SAD (Standard American Diet) ... mass-produced bunk that makes men and women settle for much less health and happiness than they could be enjoying.

  • SFH assumes that one person is right (most often they think it's her) and that other person is wrong (most often they think it's him).  
  • SFH never gives you the facts about what works, what doesn't, and why ... in an intimate relationship between a man and a woman. 
  • Instead, SFH keeps you stuck going to ... and paying for ... sessions until you figure it out on your own ... or one of you gives up.

But that's not at all what you went looking for when you reached out for help, was it?

So I teach the Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage: what works, what doesn't, and why
... all the stuff you deserve to know!

  • No one is openly talking about it, so I created A Wise Woman's Guide.
  • No, I'm not here to tell you what to do.
  • That's up to you. 

Effective Marriage Education (EME) does teach very specific steps you can take to move yourself forward by making your own fully-informed, conscious choices. 

And I always want you to make fully-informed, conscious choices about life and love. 

Because your success matters to me. 

Dr. Debi, Psych Prof 
A Wise Woman's Guide 


Like college classes, EME is a highly structured approach to learning.

But only you know where you and your mate are now in terms of what you are ready for next.

  • So feel free to just jump right in wherever you think you'd feel most comfortable!
  • Yes, EME will challenge you, but I also don't want to overwhelm you. 
  • You get to accept this Challenge by Choice!
Free Introduction

Grab free Guides, Quizzes, and Community learning!

Freshman Level
Quick Win Workshops

Workshops, Seminars, and building Basic Skills!

Sophomore Level
His & Hers Programs*

Hero's / Heroine's Journey, or Two Hearts Journey!

Junior Level
Couple's Coaching*

Must pass the Two Hearts Assessment to qualify.

Senior Level
* Limited Space is now available in The Hero's Journey, The Heroine's Journey, Two Hearts Journey, and Couple's Coaching.

However, any of these programs may be closed to new students at any moment ... without notice. So if you're eager for change, enroll now! Don't miss out! 

New Student Orientation

Join me live on Zoom to learn more about Effective Marriage Education: The Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage.

I'll cover the syllabus for each workshop and program, as well as allow time for your questions.

Just grab your spot on the Calendar to get the link.

NOTE: The Orientation Session is offered once a month. It is not recorded, so you must attend live to get the information.

If you prefer a private meeting with me to discuss your situation, book a 1:1 Zoom Call. Your mate may also join you.

OR Book a Private Zoom Call

No need to read all these books ... nor to earn a fancy degree.

I've done that for you. As a former University Professor and Couple's Counselor, I'm happy to teach you what I learned about life and love ... so you can put all my hard work to good use in your life ... and enjoy the kind of love that most folks just dream about.

PSY100 Freshman Requirements

Each of the resources below are designed to help you know if you're in the right place for the challenges you are facing today.

Introduction to The Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why

To advance to upper division (PSY300, PSY400) curriculum, you must complete each of the following 5 requirements (free) + 2 or more PSY200 Workshops

Seven Secrets of Masculinity

Discover what men won't say, but women need to hear. Straight up. Simple. To the Point. A One-Page Study Guide for the woman who loves one of the good guys.

Download Now
Understanding Women

What do women want? Learn more about women on this one-page guide for men than you ever could from a lifetime of trying to figure her out on your own. 

Download Now
Domestic Violence / Abuse

I teach what works in "normal" situations. But this may not apply to yours. This resource can help you decided if you are in an abusive relationship that requires more. 

Take Quiz
When Your Love Is Broken

Adultery. Abandonment. Addiction. Abuse. Interestingly, they all begin with the letter A. If this is your challenge, here are some resources to help you along your journey.

Watch Now
Our Community Forum

Serious Questions. Sincere Answers. Honest Conversations. With understanding and honor ... a place where women are valued and men are respected.

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