Men, Women, and Marriage

The Psychology of what works, what doesn't, and why. What would it take to make your "good enough" marriage great ... or your "already great" marriage better than ever? 

Pre-Order Coming Soon

Private Coaching

Discover and apply wisdom ... knowing what works, what doesn't, and why. Talk through the process as you walk through the process of getting what you want in life and love.


Connection & Influence

Go beyond words to create deeper connection without begging, nagging, bribing, standing on your head to please, dragging him to therapy, or doing anything else crazy!


Discover new ways to thrive in Life and Love!

I am passionate about helping couples and single adults discover ways to apply their biblical values and the findings of scientific research to everyday life and relationships. Yes, I love helping the boy win back his girl. But mostly ... I love helping the girl get what she wants. Which isn't nearly as complicated as the boy believes it to be. 

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