Merry Christmas from A Wise Woman's Guide



The 12 Days of Christmas

You've heard of the 12 Days of Christmas, right? 
No, I'm not talking about the song. 

The original Twelve Days of Christmas were religious feast days celebrated as part of the Christian tradition in medieval and Tudor England.

Starting on Christmas Day (1st Day), the people enjoyed 12 days of religious celebrations, feasting, and entertainment that continued through January 5 (12th Night).

Christmas Day = Day 1 of 12 Days

Counting the days the original way ... and keeping with the sentiment of the song regarding your "True Love" ... I'm giving you 12 Free Resources (1/day) ... to help you grow your Romance! 

Because your success matters to me.

Dr. Debi










Click the Image to Open Your Gift!

  • The "wrapping" is just a little clue to the Relationship Resource!
  • Each gift has a FREE RELATIONSHIP RESOURCE inside, available by 7pm CST.
  • If the date has passed, and the image isn't "clickable," just refresh the page! 


All information provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace a professional evaluation or treatment for emotional and relational concerns. If you are experiencing severe distress or believe you may be a victim of domestic violence, please contact a licensed mental health professional for assistance. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

If others learned how to thrive in Life and Love, you can, too!

I am passionate about helping couples and single adults discover ways to apply values that never go out of style and the findings of scientific research to everyday life and love.

I love helping the boy win back his girl.

But mostly ... I love helping the girl get what she wants.
Which isn't nearly as complicated as the boy believes it to be. 

Dr. Debi Smith, PsyD