Private Coaching

 "A Wise Woman builds her house." Proverbs 14:1

Start Now $97

You found one of the good guys.

At least he was a good man in the beginning. He was cute and funny. Super smart. Protective. He had purpose and vision. He was crazy in love with you. You felt special and beautiful, which made your heart skip a beat and your spirit sparkle. You were super excited to spend the forever with your best friend.

But something changed.

Slowly at first. You ignored it for a long time. Now you feel disconnected. Alone. 

He's still a good guy. 

  • But why does he spend so much time at work?
  • Why doesn't he want to spend time with you anymore? 
  • Why doesn't he want to talk about your dreams for the future?

You've tried everything you can think of to fix it, and nothing is working. In fact, your communication seems to be getting worse. All you get are one-word responses. And if you press him, he gets angry and lashes out ... or walks out. What is he avoiding? Is he hiding something?

You used to be so close!

You can't imagine walking away, but the thought has definitely crossed your mind.

  • Should you give up?
  • Should you go to counseling?
  • What if he won't go with you?
  • Can your relationship be saved?
  • What hope do you have?

Many women are having these thoughts and feelings. Every. Single. Day. 

Most women ... even those in a good-enough marriage ... simply need a translator, a guide through the muddy waters of miscommunication. And if your mate shuts down, lashes out, or walks out, he has a reason for doing so. Not an excuse. But a reason.

Your feelings are telling you something important! Don't ignore them.

You're not overreacting. And you're not crazy. Something is happening. No matter what it is, you'll need to be brave enough to find out what's going on in your mate's heart and mind. But most men won't say ... even if what they're thinking is good!!!

You'll need to learn how to bypass your usual patterns and reengage him on a different level ... without begging, nagging, or bribing him ... standing on your head to please him ... dragging him to therapy ... or anything else that's crazy.

A Wise Woman's Guide is here to teach you how to do that ... and support you all along the way!

How would you feel if you could reconnect with your mate?

Imagine the possibilities of an intimate connection ... being married to a man who is excited to see you ... who spontaneously takes you off on a weekend getaway ... or notices that you just got you hair done ... or who does a quick double-take when you walk through the room in a new dress ... or whom you overhear talking on the phone and gushing about how proud he is of you.

That would feel pretty amazing, wouldn't it?

Of course, you wouldn't expect life to be perfect, but you would definitely feel like your relationship was getting better and better. In fact, life itself would feel like it was getting better, too. Because you'd be the Heroine of Your Own Story ... powerful, confident, and wise. 

You don't have to figure out how to make this happen all on your own!

Private Coaching is an individualized approach to help you learn what works, what doesn't, and why. Discover ways to apply your own wisdom in real life. Talk through as you walk through the process to get what you want. 

I'm here to serve you ... as your teacher, translator, and guide.

For me, your personal development is personal!

After closing my Clinical Psychology Practice in 2021, I decided to do something I’d always dreamed about.

Years before, what started out as my personal quest to discover the woman I was created to be, turned into my personal passion to understand men. Husbands and fathers. Brother and uncles. Coworkers and friends.

Abandoned by my father and rejected by my husband, a single mother with three sons to raise alone ...

... my passion led me to college, then grad school, and onward to a career helping women make sense of the men in their lives, even as they were growing more confident in who they were. As I had done myself.

Now the same process I developed for my clients and students can help you get what you want from your relationship, step into who you really are, and confidently show up in your life and love like never before.

You are the reason I'm here!

Every heroine deserves a Hero.

Your Journey is predictable. Yes, you will encounter some surprises along the way. Some good. Others not so good. That's life. You may have encountered more than your share of difficulties. Maybe life has been relatively easy ... up until now. 

In more than two decades of counseling men, women, and couples, I observed the same patterns over and over again. Patterns indicate predictability. Which means you probably have more choices than you realize. That's good news indeed!

For the first time, I'm here to teach you the path to success: The Heroine's Journey. Straightforward. Simple. Not always obvious. Rarely easy. Always worth it.

When you're ready, I can teach you what you need to know to get ... from vulnerability, confusion, and frustration ... to hope, confidence, and wisdom.

1.  The Heroine's Journey

Your feelings are telling you something. Listen to them. You'll learn to understand the full depth of their underlying message.

For example, when you're disappointed or hurt, you're going to self-protect. Safety is naturally your first concern.

a)  Know where you are, how you got there, and why. 
b)  Stay there as long as you need to. No blame. No shame.
c)  Look up ahead, then move forward whenever you're ready.

NOTE: As a professor, I knew my student would have a hard time learning anything new if she recently broke up with her boyfriend, her grandma just died, or her parents unexpectedly separated. Likewise, when you're worried, hurt, sad, or angry, you'll have a hard time learning, too. I want make sure you understand The Heroine's Journey, so you'll have a tool to help you through the rough spots. 

2.  Making Sense of Men 

Men and women are different by design. Always have been. Always will be. Learn why that's a very good thing.

a)  What does he think? Is he judging you? Has he stopped loving you?
b)  How does he feel? Does he feel anything at all? Why won't he say it?
c)  Why does he do what he does ... instead of what you think he should do?

You'll learn to appreciate how differently you look at the world because of your biology, your upbringing, and your worldview. 

3.  Remember, this is Your Journey, so travel at your own pace.

However, you don't have to figure this out alone. You can let me ride along awhile on Your Journey ... as your translator and guide.

What other women are saying:


Dr. Debi helped me see that I had expectations for my husband based on my own expectations for myself. I expected him to act like a female. This new outlook opened up new conversations which have led to a level of depth that neither of us knew existed.


We cannot be thankful enough for you saving our marriage (would seem almost impossible to most), and also to restoring it to much better than before the separation!


Dr. Debi is amazing! She is caring, understanding and highly educated. She has been given a gift of being able to understand men and provide tools for them to communicate their thoughts & feelings in a way that women can understand. It’s remarkable.

Private Coaching includes:

Monthly Coaching Call

*Zoom or phone call: 60 minutes to focus on feelings and your freedom to follow a proven Path to Success.

Ask Me Anything

Between calls by private voice, text, or video 24/7/365 via Voxer. I listen, read, watch, and reply during *office hours.

The Heroine's Journey

Know exactly where you are, where you want to be, and ways you can decide to keep moving forward.

60% OFF Additional Calls

By Zoom or Phone: $97/hour as long as you remain a member in good standing. $250 VALUE

My Office Hours

Monday, Noon to 5pm
Tuesday, Noon to 8pm
Wednesday, Noon to 5pm
Thursday, Noon to 5pm
(except U.S. Holidays)

I live on a country road deep in the Heart of Texas. So my office hours are shown here in U.S. Central Time Zone. However, my booking calendar shows your local time zone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your success matters to me, so I don't want you to miss this opportunity! 

Remember, every Heroine deserves a Hero!

Click here to start your journey today ... toward hope, confidence, and wisdom!